22nd December 2024

Search New Mills Town Council

Serving the people of New Mills

Meetings, Minutes & Papers

Learn how New Mills Town Council operates and make decisions.
Discover how you can get involved or stay informed.

The Full Meeting of the Council is held on the 2nd Monday in each month with Committee Meetings taking place 2 weeks later.

Members of the public have a legal right to attend decision making meetings of the Council and its committees, except where they are excluded for specific items which need to be discussed in confidence (e.g. staffing matters or tenders for contracts).

Agendas are made public prior to the meeting taking place. The time for public participation shall be outlined on the agenda.

Public participation takes place near the start of the meeting immediately after declaration of interests to make everyone aware if a member has a prejudicial interest.

The Council sets aside time for public participation during which members of the public may make a representation, contribution, suggestion or ask a question. Councillors with a prejudicial interest in an agenda item may speak during public participation (and then leave the room when the item is considered)

We encourage people to attend our meetings but members of the public should be aware that rather than bringing questions to the entire Council and other members of the public during public question time, questions may also be addressed to the Town Clerk, to the Chair of the Council or your ward councillors. Or via our contact form.

Our Committees have no delegated powers and meet in an advisory capacity to 'deep dive', research and discuss important topics that fall under their responsibility. The committees carry out this function for the council in a hope to make recommendations to assist Councillors to make an informed choice.

You can view all our meetings scheduled to take place during this Municipal Year.

New Mills Town Council Meeting Schedule for 2024-2025

Alternatively, visit our Council Meetings Calendar, where you will find papers associated with each meeting linked to the calendar entry.

You can view our agenda's and minutes for our meetings using the links below.

- agendas

- minutes

Or by using this alternative way to search for an Agenda or Minutes

We use key documents that governs how we operate- the versions that are currently in force can be found below.

Code of Conduct

This document outlines the expected behavior and standards for members and co-opted members of New Mills Town Council.

Standing Orders

Standing orders are the written rules that govern the proceedings of a local council and its committees. They ensure orderly conduct during meetings and cover various aspects

Terms of Reference for our Committees 2024

Terms of Reference set out the purpose and structures of the Committee, and show how the object/matter in question will be defined, developed, and verified.

NMTC Communications & Engagement Committee Terms of Reference

NMTC Finance, Buildings & Assets Committee - Terms of Reference

NMTC High Lea Hall Committee - Terms of Reference

NMTC Parks, Open Spaces & Events Committee - Terms of Reference

NMTC Personnel Committee - Terms of Reference

Last updated: Fri, 12 Jul 2024 16:06